composer, pianist, music theorist


O Primeiro Caderno de Madrigais a Cinco Vozes (1995 - 1996)

(The First Book of Madrigals for Five Voices)
for five voices: S-A-A-T-B or S-A-T-T-B


I- Tudo Foi Dito (all has already been said)
poem by Fernando Pessoa, Ele-Mesmo (1888-1935)

II- A Catedral (the Cathedral)
poem by Alphonsus de Guimaraens (1870-1921)

III- Coração Estranho (strange heart)
poem by Fernando Pessoa, Ele-Mesmo (1888–1935)

IV- Psicologia de um Vencido (the psychology of a defeated person)
poem by Augusto dos Anjos (1884-1914)

V- Poesia e Amor (poetry and love)
poem by Casimiro de Abreu (1839-1860)

VI- Sopra Demais o Vento (the wind blows too much)
poem by Fernando Pessoa, Ele-Mesmo (1888–1935)


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